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Smart Home Integration Consultancy U.S. Firms Making a Mark in the UK

Analyzing the main research results using a mostly grounded thematic approach—a methodical process that detects all the themes arising from the data—allows us to quantify their frequency. Furthermore, to provide more understanding, we used the COM-B Model based on behavioral science 9 to assist in the interpretation of the behavioral obstacles influencing the target consumer audiences engaged in this research Along with the narrative commentary in this report, anonymised verbatim quotes have been provided to capture the opinions voiced; chosen case studies have also been included to show personal experiences (with all names changed to maintain participant confidentiality Before this Introduction, there is a stand-alone executive summary ( part 1) and a last part ( Section 5) outlining what Collaborate Research believes to be the main conclusions and implications from this study.The threat of climate change, questions about the cost of energy and security of supply issues call for fresh

Why the UK Market Is Ripe for U.S. Smart Home Consultants

What of the future if the Connected Home enables companies to stay relevant in the modern societ Micro-generation and storage are two major advancements presently under research that might completely flip the energy sector. Distributed Energy Management offers energy firms a third and maybe even more interesting prospec Roof top solar and other renewable

echnologies are enabling the consumer to dream of self-supply ever closer. The sun usually shines when the homeowner is out at work, thus the energy you create gets exported; the energy you use in the mornings and evenings has to be bought at higher, peak time prices One of the main obstacles to progress has been the capacity to store the energy you create

and use it at the right moment. Recent adjustments to the feed-in tariff and renewable technology incentives have made the business case for home owners investing in micro-generation more tentative.That might be changed by battery storage.Thanks to technological advancements, businesses like Tesla are now beginning to market batteries into the home,

Which can store energy during the day the homeowner

can use during peak time, so offering an opportunity for notable savings and, for some homes, the possibility to be off-grid for their regular usage Though they are starting to decline, the expenses remain somewhat expensive For the typical family, an installed battery and solar panels may cost in excess of £7,000, a major upfront outlay The possibility that combining household batteries presents helps to justify investment in micro-generation.

Although the current feed-in tariff has already been lowered, microgenerators now have other possible income sources starting to surface. Grids struggle greatly to balance supply and demand secondby-second as the amount of intermittent renewables in the installed capacity rises faster response to more erratic and more frequent deviations from aim is fast becoming

necessary.Since batteries can respond in less than a second, homeowners could be able to benefit from the generated and stored energy Generators must be of a specific magnitude (above 1MW for most services) to take part in the balancing markets, though. Aggregating networks of batteries within people's homes to supply a service to the grid and create returns

For the homeowner that would justify the initial outlay

in solar PV, batteries, and related smart technology is where an energy firm may perhaps help The conventional energy retail business model is quite likely to alter if the future is one in which household consumers become micro-generators selling extra energy back into the grid. The main activity of today's energy retailer is acquiring energy from generation companies, marketing it to consumers, and billing them for it. In the future, it could be the consumers

doing the sales to other consumers who consume more than they produce, a company for instance.Frequencye. Given the experience of the energy firm in trading, they are well positioned to tart acting on the customer's behalf as an energy broker, helping them buy and sell in a dynamic and changing market, even if the conventional "retail" function might be

under jeopardy. Few, if any, consumers want to be worrying themselves with tariff options and forward pricing curves and less still would appreciate exposure to trade risk. the draws attention to a chance for utility providers to use their trading and hedging knowledge to support the underlying customer aspiration to set and forget their utility provision.

Consumers are already becoming more like this

This could be partially related to the technology emerging ahead of the expected need of the consumer. Companies must stand back from technology and concentrate on client journeys once more. By concentrating on the consumer and constructing a service around them instead of developing the technology and searching for someone to sell it to, service design

techniques can help you do this. Examining the basic needs, wants, and challenges of the consumer at every level of their journey helps a service design approach provide a solution Seeing the data potential via analytic Beyond the technology itself and in the data it generates, the chance to provide actual value resides in connected technologies. Being able

to do something significant with the data depends on having analytics skills to merge several data sources. One method sometimes employed is Reveal, Enrich, Model. Using visualisation tools, show statistics on consumption to your company and clients; enrich it with additional data sources, such as comparison benchmarks or even outside variables like the


temperature, and the With environmental issues and technology advancements like Smart meters driving higher energy efficiency, model scenarios utilizing the data you have obtained for example, would this client want the heating and lighting modified based on the forecasted weatheons Conscious of the energy they use? Taking this forward, where consumers are

aware of the resource they have in their homes and their capacity to not only save money but also start to make it, the Connected Home will be central in helping them to effectively manage that resource. Microgeneration and trading will then help to propel this forward.doing the sales to other consumers who consume more than they produce, a company for my life


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